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About Tandy

Hello!  Thank you for taking the time to find out a little bit about me as a photographer and bit about me personally.

Photography has become somewhat of an obsession in my life.  I love capturing the moments in between the poses that show the true personalities and relationships between people.  When little sisters get the giggles and are caught up in their own magical world, when little boys forget the camera is there and have rock throwing contests, a quiet whisper between two people in love, and the energy and enthusiasm of a senior getting ready to go out on their own for the first time,  these are the reasons I love what I do.  I want to capture the emotion and relationships that set this time in your life apart from all the rest.  There will be no other time in your life that is just like right now and I want to try to preserve that forever.

I have two of the best jobs I could ever imagine; being a mom and being a photographer.  I love the challenges that each of them give me as well.  Being a mom is the most rewarding and toughest job I have ever had.  Raising my girls and trying to instill in them the attributes that I hope they have has they grow is so important to me.  I hope that my beautiful little girls grow to have the courage to be themselves, to be kind, honest, have integrity, self esteem, and lots and lots of love.  Family is so important, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be apart of my girls daily lives.  No two days with them and no two sessions are ever completely alike.  Emotions, achievements, breakdowns and sibling rivalry make each day at home a new adventure.  Each photo session has its own unique dynamics that constantly have me assessing which angle to shoot from, how to best utilize the light, and the capture that perfect moment and emotion. 

My bachelors degree is in chemistry and there is a part of me that will forever be analytical.  Continually learning how to read the light, most flattering positions, and all of the technical aspects of digital cameras, helps keep the inner nerd scientist in me happy.

I look forward to getting to know you, and hopefully you have been able to get a glimpse of who I am.  Please feel free to leave comments on current posts on my blog or click over to my Facebook page and see what is going on over there. 


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